Sunday, December 30, 2012

True Patriots

A true patriot is a patriot who knows the truth. There are many people who believe they are patriots, but are merely duped fools and schills for anti-democratic traitors.

The truth is that climate change is a real and pressing danger.
The truth is that corporate power has corrupted our polity.
The truth is that the USA has a gun problem.
The truth is that our country has a militarization problem.
The truth is that corporate media is part of the problem and FOX is an enemy of Uncle Sam

It is time for a True Patriot movement of We The People to push back against the duped fools and traitors. Spread the word

It's important to know that government can be good. Go to and you can find a wealth of information on the subject, although the reading is rather long. Monte Asbury gives us a list of gov't goodness that's far easier to read. He also has losts of comments and I'll add my own, good job bro.

Anti-government sentiment is a poison in the body politic and a tool of anti-democratic forces. A true patriot understands that. Do you?

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

corporate rule

Doing a little homework about how corporations rule the world and what that means for the majority of us...I just have to get a copy of When Corporations Rule the World and start from there. The Global Patriot is my kinda guy. There's which has some interesting stuff....and which has a How to Overthrow Corporate Rule, yah, good luck with that. The Brits have a corporate watch spinoff, Corporate Rule which could be useful.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

leading from the left

The lack of  a single coherent plan by liberals can be a problem. While the Occupy movement thought that a lack of a definitive leader and the lack of a definitive plan was a strength, it is now obvious that this view was, well, wrong.

Aaron Huertas wrote, "He says liberals should learn to be more decisive and cites the Occupy Wall Street movement and the ongoing European debt crisis as typical liberal discussion-fests lacking clear leadership, focus or a willingness to make decisions. Heck, the occupiers designed their movement to avoid classic leadership. Sometimes one plan, any plan, is much better than endless debate." 

Finding that leadership is part of the mission of Integral Activism. Organizing that leadership is part of the mission of IA. 

Bold Progressives have a plan to take back democracy, but I don't see how they're getting the message out to the greater masses. Perhaps the Save Uncle Sam campaign could help to popularize these efforts. How do we get people to rally together and stop the endless duplicating of efforts? It is our future so ask yourself as I ask myself, how do we coalesce?

The Center for Economic and Policy Research seems like a great resource that I'll have to study more. 
Thom has written another great article, The Real Boston Tea Party.....this is just one more piece that builds the greater narrative of how our political system(s) have been gamed by monied interests. There are lots of good books on the subject and this view is part of the required curriculum. 

The Climate Reality project has produced some great videos. I especially liked Doubt

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Social Security

Social Security is an outdated notion. Todays' ruling powers prefer social insecurity and favor divide and conquer tactics to retain the undue power and wealth they now exercise or aspire to.

Some people understand that Social Security program has no honorable place within budget negotiations. Most Progressive Democrats understand that too. This is the kind of information that you will never find covered by corporate media. Do you wonder why?

Presdident Dwight D Eisenhower's Cross of Iron Speech is well worth the read, even with the typos.

Ronald Reagan explained to the people that Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit. Watch it for yourself.

Monday, December 10, 2012

hang together

We shall hang together or hang separately.
New rule - if you vote against all abortion then you must adopt an unwanted child.

Looking to create the new Illuminati- here are some possible candidates

Sam Harris
Bill Maher
Thom Hartmann
Robert Reich
Michael Moore - get him to film the new narrative
Paul Krugman

STFU, Conservativescorruptpolitics
46% of Mississippi Republicans say inter-racial marriage should be illegal, to 40% who say it should be legal. I just had to save that.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

I watched a Conspiracy Theory show with Jesse Ventura and it was pretty darn wild. I had to follow up on this and found Project Camelot. Aliens as time travelers seems as plausible as anything, I guess. AlienScientist thinks Dan Burisch is a fraud, so he probably is....

I also need to create my own map. Maybe you should make one too.

And here's a site I haven't seen in years, but it is a good one....Disinformation....and there are cool links within

Overwatch does seem scary and here's a forum I need to join...

Bad news is that the powers that be are allowing more media consolidation which means that an evil arm of the right that's way wrong can continue the propaganda that is polluting the American mass mind.
The good news is that there are smart and sane people like Thom who educate us about history and prudent ways to raise revenue and regulate the banksters. Here is an essay that lays out the real plan for the New World Order.

I sure would like real justice for the real culprits of 9/11. I like this site which debunks the debunkers. I'll have to check out some of thier links like the peace team.

How credible is G Edward Griffin's The Capitalist Conspiracy...there sure seems to be a lot of credible evidence....informationliberation says it has the news that the powers that be don't want us to know.