Sunday, April 7, 2013


Fallout from the Fukushima disaster appears to have sickened babies in the West coast states of the US. You can read about that here....

Lawrence Lessig gave a recent TED Talk We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim. He did a good job framing an issue and making a point, but he failed to confront the right problem, the problem of the right. In that last election cycle he talked about, nearly half of the people voted for Romney and Republicans made great gains in many states. I wonder if he is simply trying to promote his new book. Perhaps he has fallen into the conceit of the middle. I;m not even sure what the hell he's talking about in this talk, do you? Okay, so it makes a little sense near the 18 minute mark.

It's funny how some liberals bend over backwards trying to find virtue in conservatives'. Aren't the KKK an epitome of conservatives? Do we really need to condone these things?

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