Thank You for your visit here. Please note that this blog-spot is a work in progress and a grand experiment.
The title derives from my association with the integral movement and of the now mostly defunct practice of purchasing indulgences from the church for absolution of one's sins, a practice that angered Martin Luther.
This blog is an attempt to placate my own conscience and to help others to do the same. It is an attempt to practically transform theory into practice. This blog is an experiment of spiritual law, as I understand it. It's the old; do what you love, have faith and don't get attached to the outcome. Build it and they will come....create my own niche, embody right-livelihood.
The premise is fairly simple; work as a fund-raiser and consciousness guide in the service of good works and share pertinent knowledge.
I will attempt to outline the problems and challenges that we face. I'm sure you are at least somewhat familiar with the usual suspects such as global warming and I hope to help create a more comprehensive, a more integral perspective.
Many of the solutions to the problems we face, already exist. I will attempt to outline these solutions throughout and provide resources for the readers further study.
The task of saving the world is overwhelming indeed. I have a hard enough time just trying to survive in this world and I know I'm not alone. May this experiment help to orientate us to the common good and effective ways to co-create a more Utopian world by shedding light upon the dystopian aspects, thereby eliminating shadow. May this experiment also provide a model for those like-minded.
Post-modern indulgences: the act of charitable donations of time, money or other resources to perceived good works in order to appease one's conscience or save one's soul.
Acts of charity and compassion are timeless aspects of healthy spirituality and/or healthy citizenship. The task of skillfully choosing what to support can be overwhelming. One must be well educated as to the nature and complexities of our current problems before one is able to employ skillful means and address leverage points. This blog is intended to facilitate those ends.
Donations and Allocations of Funds: Hopefully I'll install a PAYPAL feature on this page before too long. The funds from donations will be distributed among a variety of NGOs and perhaps a percentage of that income will be distributed to the author(s) of this site to compensate for this service. I (we) will leave the percentages of allocations to the donor in an attempt to make this process as transparent as possible and in alignment with the spirit of Democracy. The donor may participate by expressing their desires (conditions) via the comment function located at the bottom of the page.
To profit or not to profit?, that is the question....I'm not really going to worry about that now. It will work itself out, besides, this really isn't about making money even though that would be nice. This is a labor of love, an attempt to appease conscience, an expression, an experiment.
When (or if) this endeavor receives monetary gain, the author(s) of this enterprise agree to publish and fully disclose the allocation of all funds, in accord with the intentions as expressed by the donor, in a timely manner.
Democracy: There are different forms of democracy. For a quick review, click here I use wikiipedia because it is helpful and because it is a good example of the democratization of knowledge. Blogger has helped to democratize journalism. It is also worth noting that several studies have found that democracy serves as a virtual antidote to famine and war. In fact, no two democracies have engaged in warfare with one another while no democracy has ever suffered famine.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
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