The Big Problem has a very political component. The USA is still the world's largest economy and the only superpower and is therefore a key leverage point The political system of the USA is profoundly dysfunctional due to the cumulative effects of decades of the corrupting influences of monied special interests. The costs of campaigning for political office are so great that the wealthy dominate campaigns for public office. Most senators are millionaires and The rich defend their own interests, rather than the poor populace.
It is imperative for citizens to understand revolving door politics. There is a "how to" if you want instructions to best utilize the previous link. Politicians may not earn much while in office, but they do have great benefits. The better payoff comes as a lobbyist (which is illegal in most developed nations) and the best payoffs come in industry.
Integral Activism recognizes that the political center in the USA has drifted steadily to the right for at least three decades and is presently dangerously unbalanced. While reforms need to be made on both sides, it is clear that the Republicans are the most ardent defenders of the rich while democrats are moderately so and the Progressives are least inclined to favor the status-quo. For this reason, Integral Activism urges support for progressive candidates, officials and policies, after all, It's the Inequality Stupid.
The Citizens United ruling has opened the floodgates for money into political campaigns while the Camber of Commerce has set precedence for foreign investments in US politics. For these reasons, Integral Activism encourages world citizens to join in the fight to elect progressive candidates to the US Congress. What happens in the States is sure to affect the world.