Friday, May 27, 2011


Public education is important to a healthy society and must be defended against the assault of those who would undermine an American institution. There are two main factions responsible for the ongoing war against public education. The first faction are the free-market madmen who seek to privatize everything possible so that they are able to squeeze profit. The second faction is composed of religious fundamentalists who are opposed to a separation of church and state because they feel threatened by science.

Here is a short article listing a few of the players involved. You can click here for a longer article from the print of dissent.

I just got a little education about hate groups. They're becoming more popular.

and there is this about the damn democrats

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Principles and economies

Could we really build an economy on ten principles? It would be nice, but somehow I doubt that certain powers that be would welcome such a change. Heck, it looks like Elizabeth Warren will have to use the back door to get into a new office.

"Students are screwed. Republicans are undermining public education in America. All around the country – Republican governors are pillaging their state’s education budgets – siphoning off hundreds of millions of dollars from public education and moving that money into voucher programs. These voucher programs even give corporations dollar-for-dollar tax breaks to give families a voucher to send their student to a charter school or a private religious school.

So the government – through corporate middlemen – is funding religious schools. In Wisconsin – Governor Scott Walker is slashing $900 million out of his education budget and adding $750 million to a school voucher program. Likewise – in New Jersey – Governor Chris Christie cut $820 million out of his education budget last year – then created an $825 million school voucher program this year. Since Reagan – Republicans have been trying to kneecap public education in America – just so corporate CEOs and churches can turn education into a big business.

Thomas Jefferson devoted his life to free, public education available to everyone in America rich or poor. But today – Republicans are turning their back on our most influential founding father."

Thom Hartmann

Oh dear, it looks like we may have hit peak oil production 5 years ago....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


It's a cloudy day with rain on the way which gives me a break from the wage slavery. The good news is that I'm more familiar with what a word cloud is.

So, where do I go from here? Might as well go big...try the world bankers

not quite what I was looking for, but it's a portal.

You might find this to be a little more Enlightening