Monday, September 19, 2011

worming our way to truth

A new study finds federal employees are a better deal than private contractors. Gee, we had to have a study to figure that out? The parasites may be bad for governments bottom line, but they may do a body good so we might want to start microbe-managing our health in ways that may seem rather distasteful.

From 75 to 83 percent in one year is the change in percentages of people believing in global warming. I didn't think the numbers were that high.

Here is a really nice piece from Sam Harris titled, What's the Point of Transcendence. Looks like he might be my go to guy in the SNR department. He even wrote about spiritual truths as if they are real things.

Rep Rush Holt is my kinda congressman, he likes science. Saw him on Dylan Rattigan who claims to be mad as hell and has something on the burner. I like his framing.
Good plug for Jimmy Williams too. Lobbying reports may be helpful.

Make sure to review After Capitalism, it looks like a must.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Populist Party

It's time for the Populist Party to resurrect. There's a fair amount of information to be found concerning a Peoples Party , but not as much for a Populist Party, at least on wiki. Here we can find some original wording here in The Omaha Platform where history matters, but that's too sophisticated for today's TV people. Where should I begin with this idea, this effort? Right here and I did post this at Hartmann's site. We'll see where that goes.

Hey check it out, the Simultaneous Policy is still alive.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Food Inc

Occupy Wall Street

Today might be Labor Day, but it's still The End of Work for lots of people. How much work do people really need to do? If you are a CEO you might be making more money than your entire corporation pays in taxes? That's just wrong, isn't it? Just how rich is too rich? Don't we all know that inequality is unhealthy?

Hurray, finally got to see Food Inc. It's not exactly The World According To Mansanto, but it does point us to The Future of Food. Perhaps they are what will kill us all.

There are Millions Against Montsanto...maybe this will be the October surprise. But before that happens, there will be people trying to take over Wall Street on September 17, Adbusters.

Put these guys on your list of professional pisses me off. He's right about Hong Kong though.

Friday, September 2, 2011

same ol'

Here we are in dangerous times when hundreds are being arrested in front of the White House because the pipeline could mean Game Over according to our top climate scientist. We don't see anything about the protests in corporate media. Perhaps that's because fossil fuel industries are investing tens or hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising/propaganda. reports that we're up to 392ppm

Note: try not to miss The Last Heart Attack with Dr Sonja Gupta (or something like that) on MSNBC. It's about switching to a vegetarian diet.

The "news" reports that there were no jobs created and unemployment remains at 9.1%. Geez, I thought we required 200,000+ jobs/months to keep up with population growth caused by immigration. Something isn't adding up.

Here some stuff about food, like The Future Of Food and the evils of Monsanto and a nice NGO for good food which is Food Freedom and.. senate bill S510 that does harm to the people and the environs in favor to corporations and greed...or should I say harm to Eaarth.\