Saturday, September 29, 2012

How the right is wrong

The Top Ten Conservative Myths is well worth reading. Yep, is a jem.

Communism is only evil when evil men are in charge. The early Christians were communists. -- "And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every
man had need. -- Acts 2: 44-45

The Media Reform Information Center contains a nice graph of media consolidation over the last thirty years. has a nice page with lots of links concerning media ownership.

and then there's 5 conservative economic myths that occupy wall street busts.....and then there's the 5 biggest lies about public schools debunked, also from alternet.
What the heck, we'll go with one more from the same source and be reminded why the rich deserve our contempt.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

graphic realities


If you're still undecided

It's good to be king. It's pretty damn being rich too. The rich seem to be getting all the breaks, especially tax breaks. The richer a person is in this country, the more tax breaks they get.
When most people think of taxes, they tend to think about Federal taxes, but in all fifty states the rich are taxed at a lower rate than the poor. It sucks to be poor.

The Republicans often sell themselves as fiscally responsible, but the truth of the matter is that the US economy does statistically better under democratic leadership, take a look.

Now let's take a look at the defict and how party leadership effects that. It's pretty obvious that democrats are better at balancing the books. Check out zfacts too. If you'd like a more academic perspective then try this.

You might want to consider or reconsider positions concerning Unions. Middle class income has an extreamly strong correlation to union membership.  Why would anyone be anti-union, besides wealthy business owners and their managers?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

There is new call for global democracy. Common Dreams published an article and linked to the Global Democracy Manifesto which doesn't seem to be able to find much if any public awareness. Peace news also covered the story, but who ever heard of them?

There is the Global Democracy Project that seems to be mostly an African grassrots work and Building Global Democracy, but these organizations....