Supporting those who make our world a better place
Globalization is inevitable, resistance is futile. Yet there are plenty of people who remain antiglobalists, such as anarchists. When we see news reports about protests of WTO meetings and the like, we hear about antiglobalists, but in reality most of the protesters are alterglobalists, not antiglobalists. Alterglobalists are opposed to the ways globalism is occuring, not opposed to globalism itself. The distinction is critically important. Antiglobalists are naive, uninformed and misguided. Alterglobalists are sophisticated, well-informed and guided by principles of virtue.
Globalization is a process, a process as old as life itself, but that perspective is a grand stretch from the present and common context we use today. Let it suffice to say that every megalomaniac in history has had in his dark heart a dream to rule the world.
It is a brave new world and depending who you are the new world ordering can be scary indeed. The structural adjustments imposed by the WTO and IMF were disasterous for millions of people. The Iraq war wasn't so good for most Iraqis. Damage to other species and environments has been catastrophic, but is more difficult to weigh. There is plenty of hype and paranoia surrounding this, conspiraciy theories abound. There is no doubt that there is abundant corruption and that there are myriads of conspiracies. Who could be immune to the influence of billions of dollars? We even have confessions from an economic hit-man to testify to the subtle corruptive influence of wealth and luxury.
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