Monday, October 26, 2009

Guns for hire

The private military industry is among the worlds fastest growing industries. Some estimates have it that there are an equal numbers of "private contractors" working in Iraq and Afghanistan as there are legitimate troops.

Mercenaries haven't always had the best PR, but they're working to improve their image. If you believe Brooking's propaganda they're a bunch of humanitarians.

They are acting as a huge talent drain from the worlds more traditional military. Private companies pay their soldiers-for-hire a lot more, after all, governments have already invested big bucks to train these men and the private security firms only spend a fraction for continued training. These mercenaries enjoy virtual impunity from law, but that is changing thanks to the efforts of Senator Al Franken with his recent amendment.

Perhaps one day we will have a truly democratic federation of nations and we could put these men to good use. Unfortunately, these men and companies are doing some questionable things. You can check it out for yourself.

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