Sunday, September 12, 2010

conservative fools

According to the the U.S. census US capital investment in foreign countries has gone from $1.3 trillion in 2000 to $3.2 trillion in 2008 while at the same time the Bush tax cuts which overwhelmingly went to the wealthy cost 1.3 trillion per politifact. So the wealthy essentially took their tax cuts, intended per the Republicans to spur U.S. jobs, and invested them and more in foreign countries, not the U.S..

Okay, I just stole that one from here.

It drives me crazy to hear people talk about taxes as if they really knew what they were talking about. Go to and consider supporting the Tax Literacy Project

Ya'll know what happened in the 2010 elections, big gains for the conservatives who insist on tax cuts for the richest people while threatening to limit unemployment benefits. They are relentless promoters of the trickle-down myth, a Trojan horse which is a lie promoted by the rich. One of the richest guys admitted that.

The latest figures from the TARP bailout reveal that the total cost is only $25 billion and the other $625 billion has been recovered.

The Congressional Budget Office released a report that ranks the effectiveness of actions that will reduce the unemployment rate. At the top of the list is extending unemployment benefits. The least effective action is tax cuts, but that is about the only thing conservatives promote.
You can read the summary here or listen to the rich guy that thinks he should pay more taxes.

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