Thursday, April 28, 2011


This was the busiest and deadliest tornado month on record. It's what the science predicted, greater climatic instability with bigger storms due to more energy in the atmosphere. Meanwhile, denial of climate change is at an all time high in this country thanks to propaganda produced from the efforts of the big polluters.

President Obama released the long form of his birth certificate because those crazy birthers just can't handle reality. The Donald has been quite outspoken about it and should be a national embarrassment. Perhaps he is who we need in the White House, if you believe this country is in dire financial straits, because he knows how to handle bankruptcy. He's the only guy that could fail a casino...

What do these things have in common? They serve to illustrate that there is a percentage of the population who pose a significant problem. I estimate 20 -25% of the US population is afflicted with a yet un-named mental disorder that poses a serious long-term threat to the welfare of society and the ecosystem. Oh dear, it looks like there are more than I estimated.

How are these people a hazard? It is because they support the true evil that drives civilization to the brink of disaster.

There are those who will argue that I exaggerate. Evil? Disaster?
Sadly, it is no exaggeration.

Human selection is now as powerful as natural selection and our selective process isn't wise. Humanity's collective actions have precipitated the sixth mass extinction. It's a really, really big deal. Future generations are going to endure nearly unimaginable tragedies.

The mass delusion feeds the corruption and we can now witness fascism taking root in our own country that was once the beacon of hope around the world. Police even arrested teen-mothers and took children into custody for staging a peaceful protest.

What do all of these things have in common? Conservative right wingers.

The political right is so awfully wrong for the well-being of all. The Founding Fathers would have hated them.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Truth and Consequences

It can occasionally be difficult to know what is true, at least for some people. Especially in these times of mass media and the politicization of just about everything. It's nice to know that there are some people dedicated to checking the facts, like Politifact. I'm sure that there are plenty of others who just won't believe anything from those fact-checking people because of a bias. Heck, the truth (facts) can often reinforce ignorance and generate backlash.

The Main Street Movement seems to know what's going on, but there are still a lot of tea-baggers supporting the wrong people. It's not surprising considering that misinforming people is perfectly legal. It's not surprising that some people are really pissed-off and threatening to fight for justice by any means necessary.

I've been thinking about violence, reevaluating my attitudes. This April may have been the busiest tornado season on record. Those are violent acts of nature and the science postulates that natures devastation should increase with global warming.

It's hard to save the world when we have real life fascists right in our own backyards.

Maybe I should forget about all this stuff and take a hike.

Outta sight outta mind, huh? Mind control.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's killing me

Oil kills and it really sucks that we have to go to a foreign source to find out what's going on because our own media outlets are protecting their interests at the dire expenses to our health and environment.

I'm glad that I don't live in the Gulf of Mexico. I'm leery of eating seafood because of contamination. Now I fear for the salmon even more than before I heard of this.

There's just too much to keep up with. S&P has given a warning which ought to freak out a bunch of us so we loose sight of all of the other problems. You might want to check with sources in Australia or India or Maine for that story.

I didn't see any coverage of Power Shift 2011 by the corporate overlords either. There have been plenty other acts of civil disobedience that have been happening which haven't received attention either. Much smaller groups of tea partiers get good coverage though.

psychos and stuff

I've often stated that it is difficult to be truly sane when one lives in an insane society. Perhaps it is impossible.
There is ample material concerning individual psychopathology, but not too much about group or mass pathologies. How about political evils? It looks like someone has done some homework, but all too few will ever educate themselves about Political Ponerology.
Thanks to that site, I'm now aware of Carolyn Baker.
Thanks to her, I'm now aware of Richard Heinberg and a transition culture.
and a post carbon institute
It's a nice thought, maybe...a post carbon world, but there's going to be a lot more spilling of
Blood and Oil before we get there.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Bolivia took a stance against environmental destruction and granted nature the same rights or similar rights as humans have. We in the USA give these god given rights to corporations, not organic life.

New Rule; if you're fanatically opposed to abortion then you have to adopt an unwanted child.

Some Gop jerk , I mean jerks, is trying to pass legislation (H.R. 1202) opening almost all of the forests in this country for logging. I saw enough destruction today in my favorite experimental forest. Can't we save a few and keep a little wild in our overly exploited world?

For those who still need some education about weather weirding, climate change, global warming or whatever you'd like to call it might want to check out this five minute primer.

The web still seems wild and open for exploration...I just found this piece about energy and the need to decentralize the beast.

Here's Nat Geo on the Atlantic trash vortex. Maybe you already knew about the Texas sized Pacific least these won't plunge Europe into a little ice age.

Monday, April 11, 2011

What We Want

Our elected representatives do a better job working for minority special interests than representing the will of the people. A poll revealed that a majority of Americans favor a tax increase on the rich rather than program reductions which help the poor.

In Wisconsin a referendum was passed to repeal the doctrine of corporate personhood. It passed with 84% of the votes. Referendums are created by the people rather than legislators and the lesson here is clear. If we want meaningful legislation, we have to write it ourselves.

Something we don't want are a bunch of gasholes.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

revolving doors of corruption

The revolving doors between polity and industry are the primary mechanism of political corruption in this country. This problem receives little if any coverage from media and little information is available for the casual researcher. Perhaps the best overview and source can be found at which includes a partial list of who's who.

Republicans have overplayed their hands which has helped many Americans to begin to understand the true nature and agenda of the ruling class. The list of legalized criminally seditious actions are far too long to list, but I give one example from my own backyard in NC where state legislators work for the interests of the few against the interests of those they were elected to represent which you can read about here. While the President vows to protect net neutrality, the hands with the money are more powerful than the concerns of voters.

I urge all readers to follow the money so they may better understand that we now have a government that is Of the top 1%, By the top 1% and For the top 1%. Among the best documented purchasing for profit and power players are the infamous Koch brothers. If you aren't familiar with what these billionaire brothers are up to then just click here to read about their insidious influence.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Revolving doors

The problem that the revolving doors of polity and industry create seem to be in the distant background of the American consciousness, if it is there at all. This system is one of the main drivers of political corruption. Save your time and don't bother searching through that google search because you won't find much useful information, especially in the scholarly articles.

Part one of this journey has revealed what has happened.

Part two is about how it happened.

Part three is what we can do about it. Who want to be Robin hood? Who wants to be one of the merry men?

Secret Societies

Secret societies could use the help of a good PR firm. They really aren't, or at least weren't that bad. Most of our Founding Fathers were part of a secret society, the Masons. They gave us new freedoms in the form of modern democracies. That wasn't a bad thing, was it?

Where is the brotherhood now?

We're pretty sure that some of bad guys are using secrecy to plot, plan and plunder.

Robin hood revival

Where's Robin hood when you need him? Oh yeah, he's dead and here we are living in the United States of Nottingham. I think it's time for a Robin hood revival. Let's all get some of those funny pointed hats with a feather to show our solidarity. If you're not into wearing a funny hat then maybe we could start sporting some green armbands.

Those who join could be provided some cool charts so we can pass them out to all of the wing-nuts who refuse to or simply can't read.

The costume companies could make a buck if a bunch of us start wearing them. It would be fun to put corporate patches all over them.