Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Truth and Consequences

It can occasionally be difficult to know what is true, at least for some people. Especially in these times of mass media and the politicization of just about everything. It's nice to know that there are some people dedicated to checking the facts, like Politifact. I'm sure that there are plenty of others who just won't believe anything from those fact-checking people because of a bias. Heck, the truth (facts) can often reinforce ignorance and generate backlash.

The Main Street Movement seems to know what's going on, but there are still a lot of tea-baggers supporting the wrong people. It's not surprising considering that misinforming people is perfectly legal. It's not surprising that some people are really pissed-off and threatening to fight for justice by any means necessary.

I've been thinking about violence, reevaluating my attitudes. This April may have been the busiest tornado season on record. Those are violent acts of nature and the science postulates that natures devastation should increase with global warming.

It's hard to save the world when we have real life fascists right in our own backyards.

Maybe I should forget about all this stuff and take a hike.

Outta sight outta mind, huh? Mind control.

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