Sunday, April 22, 2012

Two years after the disaster in the Gulf we have new reports that the waters are horribly toxic and is killing the marine life. Much of the science remains unavailable to us due to the litigation and the rules of law. You can watch Thom discuss the situation or read about it in Crude Awakening.

The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science - and Reality is partly to blame. This is because that mindset is a regressive force in the fight for progress. You can listen to a podcast from Point of Inquiry with Mooney and find other informative stuff there too. He talks about integrative complexity...

How Wealth Reduces Compassion is an interesting article published in Common Dreams and it might be fun to look for more writings from Daisy The Evolution of Prejudice.

Chris Hedges on the Myth of Human Progress     

Joseph Tainter on the Collapse of Complex Societies on You tube

Chris Hedges The World as it is...he doesn't think that Maddow is progressive...but that can all be found in Hartmannland along with a synopsis of The Long Decent. The longer the better is what I say. Unfortunately we may be in for a quick collapse.


As usual, I came here to

Sunday, April 15, 2012

There is some evidence that conservative policies will cause harm, even death to many people. Demos has an article on the subject. It reminds me of the study that shows suicides increasing with conservative administrations...perhaps we need more play ethic....

It's not surprising, markets can be irrational as Ultimatum Game theory's a youtube video, one of many...ah, here we interview from marketplace about how irrational people make irrational markets so I'll have to watch this NOVA. Now we have the author and the book to help out with the perspective.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Saving What We Can

Many of us are familiar with our climate crisis, but fewer are aware of The Other Inconvient Truth. What are we to do?

Integral Activism is my suggestion. We need to create a social networking site that is a very modestly priced subscription service which will fund global democracy, education and charitable efforts for the greater effort of saving as much of the biosphere and the gains of civilization as is possible.

Brian Skerry read that 90% of the fishes have been caught and killed since he was born and that startling statistic inspired him to reveal the ocean's glory - and horror. Shall we save what ew can?

Jeremy Jackson is known for his deep understanding of geologic time..or so it has been written. If you can stomach it he will explain How we wrecked the oceans. I hope you're not faint of heart.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Pump and Dump

Looks like we're in for a lot more bubbles forming in the stock market. William Black explained pump and dump scams that the JOBS bill will foster. He seems to be a regular contributor in the Huffington Post. Small business is less than a billion dollars as defined by the bill.  Alexis Goldstein is becoming a regular on UP w/ Chris Hayes. She and Black repeatedly reference Sarbanes-Oxley Act and how it is being undermined and gutted by the JOBS bill.  

Karen Ho, author of Liquidated, is my kind of anthropology professor.

Why Nations Fail looks like a good read...and Zacharia has Charles Murry author of Coming Apart and although he may be a libertarian type, he sounds reasonable...

One of my favorite economists, Paul Krugman, wrote a piece about banks and the monetary supply titled Banking Mysticism, Continued,  that I'll have to read over again because he seems to be rejecting the banking conspiracies..

Check this out...from Robert Reich...
The top 1 percent got 45 percent of Clinton-era economic growth, and 65 percent of the economic growth during the Bush era.
According to an analysis of tax returns by Emmanuel Saez and Thomas Pikkety, the top 1 percent pocketed 93 percent of the gains in 2010. 37 percent of the gains went to the top one-tenth of one percent. No one below the richest 10 percent saw any gain at all.
In fact, most of the bottom 90 percent have lost ground. Their average adjusted gross income was $29,840 in 2010. That’s down $127 from 2009, and down $4,843 from 2000 (all adjusted for inflation).

So considering Stand Your Grounds, could we shoot all those rich people because poverty causes premature death and illness? Or if those people with pre-existing conditions may loose the healthcare provided by Obamacare may loose that healthcare thanks to the Supreame Court, can they shoot the justices that rule for repeal? Or how about the folks poisoned by the Koch brothers' owned industries that have life threatening and life ending illness...can they shoot the Koch bro's with immunity? That makes more sense to me than being forced to buy broccoli.