Sunday, April 22, 2012

Two years after the disaster in the Gulf we have new reports that the waters are horribly toxic and is killing the marine life. Much of the science remains unavailable to us due to the litigation and the rules of law. You can watch Thom discuss the situation or read about it in Crude Awakening.

The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science - and Reality is partly to blame. This is because that mindset is a regressive force in the fight for progress. You can listen to a podcast from Point of Inquiry with Mooney and find other informative stuff there too. He talks about integrative complexity...

How Wealth Reduces Compassion is an interesting article published in Common Dreams and it might be fun to look for more writings from Daisy The Evolution of Prejudice.

Chris Hedges on the Myth of Human Progress     

Joseph Tainter on the Collapse of Complex Societies on You tube

Chris Hedges The World as it is...he doesn't think that Maddow is progressive...but that can all be found in Hartmannland along with a synopsis of The Long Decent. The longer the better is what I say. Unfortunately we may be in for a quick collapse.


As usual, I came here to

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