Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Integrative Activism

Integrative Activism is a plan, a vision, a model and a business for making the world a better place.

One of the best ways anyone can help is to support those doing good works. Integral Activism therefore works as a fundraising entity for a wide variety of organizations and causes. There are currently over a million non-profit organizations making it difficult to choose in a comprehensive and prudent fashion who to support. IA helps to simplify this process of wise selection for charitable contributions.

This plan for charitable contributions depends on an adequate and accurate analysis of key leverage points to make investments most effective.

The Model of Integral Activism is essentially a model of concentric spheres of concern and more theoreticly an AQAL model. We need to work at local, regional, national and international levels simultaneously to be most effective. For example; environmental toxicity vs environmental purity cannot be adequatley managed without addressing multiple levels or geographical contexts. One may attend the environmental integrity of one's immediate environment, but if toxins are introduced upstream and or upwind, local efforts will prove futile. Damage to the ozone layer is a good example of the need for international cooperation and is representative of other concerns.

Aside from environmental concerns (yet related), are other matters vitally important to the health and well-being of civilization. The health and functionality of the global financial system is profoundly important to us all. We need a proper and prudent analysis of global financial and economic systems to make wise adjustments in the systems and to create new institutions to address these new concerns.

IA proposes the mitigating economic disparity project to address this issue. It is important to understand that dramatic changes to the distributions of "wealth" can undermine the stability of financial and economic systems that form the basic structures and rules of commerce.


The PLAN if IA is to

    - create a fundraising business to facilitate comprehensive prudent charity...local, regional, national and international
    - create a virtual storefront to generate funding in a format as above where a percentage of proceeds is dedicated to various NGOs
    - establish a variety of educational campaigns and issue advocacy programs
             ---the mitigating economic disparity project
             --- the 99 for 93
             --- saving uncle sam
             --- a well regulated militia
             --- publishing the best of charts and graphs from sources such as those used in Mother Jones, It's the Inequality Stupid and Union Membership and the Middle Class

   - development of an essential insights compendium.....the formation of the Neo-Illuminati - a closed community of adequately educated individuals who are dedicated to the principles of democracy in a contemporary version of the Founding Fathers of the USA...remasons?
We shall hang together or we shall hang seperately.

---development of a social networking subscription site functioning essentially as a non-profit to further the above aims and the formation of new international democratic institutions.


The model - Integrative Activism serves as a model


Who Rules

Who Rules America is a great site with a wealth of information that is very hard to find anywhere else. A Fresh Start for the Left provides good advice and should be used in any integral activist's plan.

Is the Trans-Pacific Partnership a Global Coup? Sounds scary and I fear it may be true. Glodman Sachs' Global Coup D'etat is an article that I've been waiting for.

There was a Triangle Shirt Factory style fire over in Bangledesh that killed a bunch of workers. 

These things can be and should be used to bolster more coordinated movements to create more global democratic institutions. There are currently few if any. Certainly there is nothing compared to the forces of the republic banksters or republic corporatists.

The cost of is a site we should keep an eye on. There are new projects in the works for them. It's the work of Robert Greenwald who helped bring us ALEC Exposed and other great stuff. He's a great patriot, unlike these Nine Greedy CEOs or public enemy number one, Grover Norquist.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

More on Inequality

I was looking for a chart that Lawerence O'Donnel used in The Last Word last night, 11/20/2012. I didn't find it, but I did find this and appreciate the comments. I need to check out the link to the Hans Rosling video...I love his work.

Here's a TED Talk I might want to consider while I try to create my own.

Bernie is working his own petition to overturn Citizens United. Have you signed one?

Hacking Democracy is a film that every concerned citizen should watch.

A new report by the G20’s Financial Stability Board finds that the world’s “shadow banking” system has grown significantly and is now worth more than $67 trillion. The shadow banking system is a largely unregulated, debt-driven market for complex and often risky financial instruments. Since 2002, the shadow banking system has nearly tripled in size and is today worth roughly half of all bank holdings in the world. It’s also bigger than the entire global GDP.

At $23 trillion, the United States has the world’s biggest shadow banking system. This is what’s replaced good ol’ manufacturing and the creation of actual wealth in the United States. Now we have an economy dependent on banksters manipulating money. We must rein in Wall Street before it’s too late with new regulations to turn banking back into the boring and useful industry it used to be. Otherwise, we could be heading toward another financial catastrophe very soon.  - Thom Hartmann

and Poly added this farther down the page..."Global dervative bets now approach $1,000 trillion. Not enough money on the planet to bail that one. The entire planet only produces $47 trillion per year in economic activity"

I've written about this before, but finding good sources for these figures can be hard to find.....but it is getting easier...Global Research has this article and I don't know who Jutia Group is, but they've written about it. Washington's Blog has a well written entry on the subject and it looks like the site deserves some more attention.

There was recently a fire in a Bangledesh textile factory, horribly reminisent to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire that illustrates the need for greater international cooperation for worker rights and protections.

So here we are with corporate profits at an all time high, wages at a low and corporate media as shallow as they can be. The Mondragon corporation is an example of an alternative corporate structure.

Would it help to deny Congress a paycheck or could they simply outlast us? They're mostly rich guys anyhow. Not enough people really see the big picture or hear the dirty truth that Crystinia Freeland speaks. That's why I keep plugging away with IA.

Thanks to Mother Jones and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities we have a better idea how much we really spend on the non-working poor. How many people fall into that category?

For those who might like charts as much as I do, here are some concerning wealth inequality.