Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Who Rules

Who Rules America is a great site with a wealth of information that is very hard to find anywhere else. A Fresh Start for the Left provides good advice and should be used in any integral activist's plan.

Is the Trans-Pacific Partnership a Global Coup? Sounds scary and I fear it may be true. Glodman Sachs' Global Coup D'etat is an article that I've been waiting for.

There was a Triangle Shirt Factory style fire over in Bangledesh that killed a bunch of workers. 

These things can be and should be used to bolster more coordinated movements to create more global democratic institutions. There are currently few if any. Certainly there is nothing compared to the forces of the republic banksters or republic corporatists.

The cost of is a site we should keep an eye on. There are new projects in the works for them. It's the work of Robert Greenwald who helped bring us ALEC Exposed and other great stuff. He's a great patriot, unlike these Nine Greedy CEOs or public enemy number one, Grover Norquist.

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