Sunday, December 30, 2012

True Patriots

A true patriot is a patriot who knows the truth. There are many people who believe they are patriots, but are merely duped fools and schills for anti-democratic traitors.

The truth is that climate change is a real and pressing danger.
The truth is that corporate power has corrupted our polity.
The truth is that the USA has a gun problem.
The truth is that our country has a militarization problem.
The truth is that corporate media is part of the problem and FOX is an enemy of Uncle Sam

It is time for a True Patriot movement of We The People to push back against the duped fools and traitors. Spread the word

It's important to know that government can be good. Go to and you can find a wealth of information on the subject, although the reading is rather long. Monte Asbury gives us a list of gov't goodness that's far easier to read. He also has losts of comments and I'll add my own, good job bro.

Anti-government sentiment is a poison in the body politic and a tool of anti-democratic forces. A true patriot understands that. Do you?

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