Saturday, March 30, 2013

addressing the right problem

It seems unlikely that we will be able to resolve the internal political problems in the USA without the help of independent and conservative citizens. Unfortunately, corporate media has manufactured and controls conservative culture ensuring that Americans remain a divided people.

Corporate media also influences the liberal culture, but does not create an equivalent problem on the left because liberals tend to be more open-minded about the abuses of corporate powers. Liberals alone speak out against corporatism, but conservatives will remain close-minded and resistant to hear or learn anything about it. This is the reason IA is developing a True Patriot movement.

Chris Hedges helps to bring us a dose of liberal truth and gave us The Day That TV News Died, along with lots of other good writings. 147 people could wreck the world?

We know the right wing spin machine perpetuates a lot of falsehoods, lies and misinformation that too many gullible people believe.

Here's a facebook group that I like.....Americans Against Fox New and Republican, huh?

Skip Conover gave us The 10 Big Lies Republicans Tell. Good job on that one. There's also Republican News to take a looks at, but I digress.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

More Inequality

There's more news and information concerning the growing wealth inequality in the USA that is worth noting. The Business Insider published a great article with loads of charts and graphs. AlterNet carried a story about Five Ugly Extremes of Inequality...and USA Today printed a story about CEO pay outpacing worker pay.

There has been some word about minimum wage adjusted for inflation and productivity claiming that the adjusted wage would be over $20 an hour. Wouldn't that be nice?

Friday, March 22, 2013

a third state solution

The conflict between Palestine and Israel remains a thorn in global politics. If an international body could remove the West Bank and Jerusalem from the control of these partisan parties, then perhaps we could make some progress toward greater world peace.

Considering that Jerusalem is considered the home of three world religions, it seems only logical that this region should be considered and administered as a world cultural site and should be under the jurisdiction of a global democratic body dedicated to preserving the heritage and peaceful conduct of all that transpires within.

Rashad Khalidi recently authored Brokers of Deceit and has been on a publicity tour which is nice because there are now numerous videos available for our viewing. Several publications have run articles and interviewed the man such as the Atlantic. I highly recommend reading the six questions article in Harpers. Of special interest to me is his opinion on the status of democratic effort throughout the middle east.

Could a new global democratic effort help our brothers and sisters in the Arab lands?

Corporate realities

To be against or opposed to corporations is a foolish and simplistic position. To be in favor of altering the influence of corporations in our political system is a more sane and balanced attitude.

It can be hard to criticize corporations and the role they play in our societies because we have grown up within their influence. It can be hard to imaging how things could be different in the same way that it was difficult for people five hundred year ago to contemplate a wall of separation between church and state.

It is worth noting that more than half of the world's largest economies are corporations, not countries. Countries are defined by geographic boundaries while multinational corporations move with relative ease in the globalized economy.

Worth reading although grossly outdated is an overview by Corpwatch with an attempt to summarize the economic and political clout of corporations prior to the Citizens United ruling and massive bailouts in more recent years. These new developments have transformed too big to fail into too big to jail. At least Bernie is telling it like it is...unlike corporate media....and by the way, if the 16 trillion dollars that was given to the banks were divided up and given to the citizens, that would have given us each more than $50,000.

Global Trends provides an updated version and list of the top 100 economies.

Today, corporate profits are at 60 year highs while main street continues to struggle. The reasons for this are obvious to some while unimaginable to others. It might be the tax rates, stupid. Okay, that's not nice, but corporations are owned mainly by very few people and have reaped the vast majority of economic benefits over the last few years while the majority of Americans have struggled. Is that fair?

Perhaps you should join the 99 for 90%. We need one another to educate each other.

Here is an article, Calling All Rebels, featuring Chris Hedges and David Cay Johnston that I found to be powerful. With notable quotes like, Yeats, "the best lack all conviction and the worst are full of passionate intensity.” and I'm not sure who asks this,"The power elite, including most of those who graduate from our top universities and our liberal and intellectual classes, have sold out for personal comfort. Why not us?"

and lastly it closes.... Those who do not rebel in our age of totalitarian capitalism and who convince themselves that there is no alternative to collaboration are complicit in their own enslavement. They commit spiritual and moral suicide.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

I just watched another TED Talk and it seems to be the most important talk that I have seen yet. If what he explained is true, then we have more hope than I dared dream. It will probably take a lot of political work to work it out.

God bless Allan Savory and may he be right.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

remove Scalia

The title says it all, but if you're not up to speed....

Justice Scalia said that the voting rights act was a "perpetuation of racial entitlements". The dude has got to go. IF always like Think Progress, so you can read more about it there. Thomas should be banished too. WTF, his wife gets paid by the Heritage Foundation.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Word has it that the new head of the FDA is a Monsanto executive. Lets check that out and see why that might be important...okay here is the top ranking site according to bing and here is the second ranked story and here is the story as reported by the Huffington Post which is the best reported of the bunch.Arey coporate media stories appearing in the top search items?

According to some, Monsanto is among the most evil of corporate entities. Some claim that this corporation is the poster child for corporate manipulation and deceit while others...well heck, why don't you educate yourself on why Monsanto is considered an evil entity by so many.

I don't think that the most liberal media hosts, Ed Schultz and Rachel Maddow brought this story to light. Geez, I wonder who is linked into NBC....

Let's see, who else has been appointed lately without public scrutiny.....

I didn't realize how good sourcewatch really is....they should definitely be supported.

What a messed up post. Here's the reminder to support Millions Against Monsanto....

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Good guys, bad guys and interesting people

I need to get it together and make a new list of who I'd like to support.

I should also make a list of bad guys. I hadn't heard about Pete Peterson until today.

Food and Water Watch -----Foodopoly is on the to watch list as is this TED talk yikes