Monday, March 4, 2013

Word has it that the new head of the FDA is a Monsanto executive. Lets check that out and see why that might be important...okay here is the top ranking site according to bing and here is the second ranked story and here is the story as reported by the Huffington Post which is the best reported of the bunch.Arey coporate media stories appearing in the top search items?

According to some, Monsanto is among the most evil of corporate entities. Some claim that this corporation is the poster child for corporate manipulation and deceit while others...well heck, why don't you educate yourself on why Monsanto is considered an evil entity by so many.

I don't think that the most liberal media hosts, Ed Schultz and Rachel Maddow brought this story to light. Geez, I wonder who is linked into NBC....

Let's see, who else has been appointed lately without public scrutiny.....

I didn't realize how good sourcewatch really is....they should definitely be supported.

What a messed up post. Here's the reminder to support Millions Against Monsanto....

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