Saturday, April 6, 2013

Corporate captures government

Regulatory capture is a term that all True Patriots should be familiar with. It is a difficult subject to research because the corporate _________ controls major media outlets and a significant amount of academia. Kudos to Adam Thierer who published the best piece on the subject that I have found.

Rachel and crew gave us a nifty example of Big Oil's capture of oversight... I sure would like to embed that..., but I'm stymied by corporate please click on the above link.

Lawrence Lessig gave a fine TED Talk and qualifies as a True Patriot. He's for The People. He does his homework and cites the Federalist Papers, #52 where it is written that one branch of government should be dependent on the people ALONE. Found at  minute 7:20...please view it for yourself.

Mother Jones published an article about Obama's war on whistleblowers. Brave New Foundation is releasing a film on the subject. In the article is mention of Daniel Ellsberg and I recently came across a bunch of You Tube entries from him. Geez, makes me think of Bradley Manning.

Truth-out brings us the story, Monsanto's Next Target, Democracy. I thought they already won that battle. If you've seen any of the documentaries about Monsanto then you might hold the same opinion. Can't we revoke that corporate charter?

AlterNet asks if Tom Friedman is the most over-rated pundit around, but the story about stupid Americans is the one that caught my eye, Why Americans are so Ignorant -- It's Not Only Fox News, There Are Some Understandable Reasons for it. It's well worth the read. In the end, I learned that I am a gadfly.

Ellen Brown helps us to understand how the financial industry has captured government and warns us that Wall Street is a ticking time-bomb that could ruin your bank account. Seeing that I'm a gadfly, I have to ask what bubble will break and precipitate the next crash. Isn't that the way it usually works?

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