Thursday, December 31, 2009

Morality and Ethics

Morality is one of those subjects that few people seem to have the heart, stomach or courage to look deeply into. I find few discussions where people take the time to research the subject. Everyone seems to have an opinion though. Opinions are like assholes....everybody has one and usually they stink.

I do appreciate people who take the time and effort to at least attempt to address the issue with reason. Here and here are a couple of articles that do just that.

My favorite book on the subject is, The Science of Good and Evil. I see that there are plenty of videos on the subject. I am fascinated about The Evolution of Morality, but I haven't read that one yet.

So many good books and so little time and money, but I digress.

It seems to me that too much time is spent debating the origins or morality by people who are not adequately informed.

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