Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snow way

It's a winter wonderland here in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I'm one of the lucky who didn't loose power. 50,000 other people were less fortunate.

The dog in my life, Frodo, has been fun in the snow. It seems like this was his first experience with the white stuff. When we first tried to take him outside, he freaked and tried to run back inside. It only took him a few minutes to find the joy of snow. It was really fun watching him try to fetch the snowballs....they proved impossible to find, te he he he.

I'm getting my weekly dose of bs watching the Sunday morning talking heads. They're talking about health care now. Who really knows what is in the bill? I'm guessing that it wont help me get coverage because it's written by lobbyists and kleptocrats. They'll probably kick me when I'm down and strengthen the present pay-or-die system. The insurance companies have spent more than 250 million dollars fighting health care reform. That cant be good for us poor people.

How did we get here? This article sums it up pretty well. I'm just hoping that the present mess will serve to get more real progressives into office. I hope that those damn blue dogs get the boot along with the obstructionist republicans. And then there's Joe Lieberman.....doesn't anyone remember that he was instrumental in writting the legislation that made Enron, Worldcom, and all the other big collapses possible?

Maybe the right will reform if they take more losses. Could we see progressive republicans become the next right wave? How about Jeffersonian republicans? I'd like that. I just don't want to see conservative democrats.

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