Saturday, February 25, 2012


Why does Wallace Shawn call himself a Socialist? You can read that's relevant, but not what I had in mind when I started this post. He was on Chris Hayes, UP and I thought it was cool so there it is.

I was hoping that I wouldn't loose most of this post, but I did so here I go again.

Republicans are fractured into three parts; libertarians, corporatist and social (religious) conservatives.

A new Gallup poll revealed that 40% of Americans are self-described conservatives, 40% moderates and 20% liberals. This roughly follows the breakdown of spiral dynamics. There are some important other factors that should be noted. Stages of development are like centers of gravity and external conditions affect the level or center. The higher levels of development will always be minority positions and follow the greater the span the less the depth rule. ie there are more atoms than molecules, more molecules than cells, more cells than multicellular organisms, etc.

Perhaps this was the wisdom of the old secret societies that many of the founding fathers belonged to. It should also be noted that many of the founding fathers were Deists and we should also understand what that brand of "faith" is really about.

Bearing these things in mind, I propose that a new secret society of progressive elites be formed to safeguard those who have psychically evolved into the higher stages and to protect and concentrate the higher reaches of the noosphere which is under constant attack from regressive and pathological memes.

I also propose the development of a subscription social networking site for the promotion of more global democratic institutions. New international democratic institutions are desperately needed to counter the malaise perpetrated by republic globalists. The UN, WTO, IMF, etc. are evidently non democratic and it will serve the welfare of the world to create new more global democratic institutions.

Here's a humorous break...why I'm voting Republican....

A new study was released and shows how low intelligence can lead to prejudice and conservative political views. Let's see if I can get a link....oh yeah, bunches of's's alternet covering the story...and I can't pass on a link to the radical secularist...and here's sage publication  Journal with the original publication, cool huh?

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