Saturday, March 10, 2012

pathos - edit 3-25

  So, how many people are pathological, sociologically or pathologically? eHow estimates 3-5% and has related articles. Senendip has an article that actually has references, cool.

While Senator Inhofe claims that God told him climate change as a great hoax, others are taking a more responsible and moral stance on the issue. I'm not sure what The Great is all about, but I will read more.
Contrary to that is Hansen's TED talk which is a must watch. The comments below are worth reading too.
It always brings me back to the great dumb mass. The problem is with 35-40 % of the population who are idiots and another 20%+ who are deluded into believing in some mythical middle.

Don't forget about Global Lessons: The GPS Roadmap for saving Healthcare narrated by Fareed

What would pathos be without ponerology? Here is the site for author Lobaczewski, ponerology.org is about political ponerology.'s a dot com and the link is weird and here is a companion site, a blog if you'd like more.

Freethinkers can go to NoBeliefs.com and find good links to issues of our days. Chris Hayes hosts UP and has a bunch of athiests on his show including; Robin Wright author of The Evolution of God, Susan Jacoby author of Freethinkers and it looks like Richard Dawkins will be on.

Looks like my lucky day finding The Evolution of Morality...and Dawkins has a new book that I sure would like to read...the subtitle says it do we know what is really true. The Magic of Reality...40% of people think the world is 4,000 years old and Dawkins calls them ignorant, good man.
Neuroarcheology, ain't that cute? We also have the evolution list to use.

All of the brainiacs on UP w/ Chris Hayes are debating weather it is appropriate or helpful or etc. to confront religious people who are in politics, but none of them frame the matter in the most appropriate manner - as a lower stage of development - primitive and childish...yet it is part of human nature to be superstitious and prone to magical just gets more and more subtle, spiritual evolution..?...

Steven Pinker ( who has writtem lots of cool looking books) was/is one of the guests on UP and Bruce Levine was the guy on NPR.

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