Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Progressive Manifesto

Progressives need something like The Powell Memo to restore balance to The Force, if you know what I mean. That itself won't be nearly enough, but it would be a start.

Liberals will always be outnumbered due to the structure of the Spiral Dynamic. It is important to note that while Spiral Dynamics or Spiral Dynamics Integral may be a broad and useful sociological model, we now understand a few things that were not known when those models were developed. Modern neuro science is revealing that human have certain genetic materails that create predispositions for certain attitudes and behaviors.

There have been many new studies published in recent years concerning the differences between conservative and liberal minds along with the cause of those differences. Chris Mooney wrote the Republican Brain and cites many of the studies and Psychology Today published a weak commentary in response while Mother Jones provides an excellent supplement.

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