Sunday, May 20, 2012

Vast accumulations of money can be dangerous and subversive to democracy. That's not a new idea, but was part of the philosophy of many of our founding fathers and has been expressed by many presidents and statesmen throughout our history.

If you're not familiar with the Koch brothers you should be.

Peter George Peterson is a fine example of a rich guy who uses his money to buy unfair influence of government. Peterson spent nearly one-half of a billion dollars to undermine social security and Medicare. How do those programs harm him? He barely pays anything to support them, so why does he fight to destroy these wildly successful programs?

Willian K Black thinks the best way to rob a bank is to own one and you can watch an interview with him and Bill Moyers. He made some good points on Up with Chris Hayes, May 20th. You might want to watch Jim Richards talk about Europes bank run.

The best of the best is The Inequality Speech That TED Wont Show You. Yikes! There are things that are simply too hot for TED, talks and slides and....

Michael Hudson speaks about What We're Becoming....

Meet the Christian Right-Wing Billionaire Out To Frack Our World. He's just one more example why mega money madness must be controlled.

Affluenza is available for your viewing, so check it out.

As we know, it takes a lot of energy to fuel the beast and nuclear is the tastiest fuel of all, but it is also the most dangerous. Here's a nice compilation on the subject.

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