Saturday, July 14, 2012

Corporate Criminality

It's about BIG business, really really big business. I'm not about to trust Joe (the printer) Alivo about healthcare because he's been working against reforms since 1993 and it's unclear who he's pandering for, but that's an issue for later.

The largest lawsuit settlements under the Sherman Antitrust statue have just been paid by Visa and Mastercard. It makes me wonder how they are regulated in other countries.  Thank goodness for regulations, laws to protect the people from the crimes of corporatism.

The Business Insider created a couple of great charts depicting the current trends of public versus private sector economics. It looks like the suits are drowning Uncle Sam in the bathtub. Maybe some unemployed firefighters, cops and teachers will appear to save Uncle Sam. Or maybe some military veterans who understand the need to defend our government against domestic enemies will rally and get the job done.

It looks like federal jobs do pay better than private equivalents, but state workers come in third, according to ABC. Limbaugh, Norquist, the Koch bros....enemies of the matters.

It's hard to find good data on the public sector. Try a search for yourself and let me know if you can find historical statistics. I did find Kingdom of Fear , a consolation prize, I guess....and then there's these guys...

Sourcewatch is helping to overthrow Skank of America, good. Open Secrets, oh much good stuff there

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