Sunday, July 29, 2012

Gunning down the facts

Fareed Zacharia said that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts. He put up some graphics that demonstrate that the US has by far more guns per capita and more gun violence. He also showed that the states that have greater gun restrictions have less gun violence than those with less.

At least the Daily Kos and Warren Buffet thank Uncle Sam for what he has done for us. Someone else wants us to Meet Uncle Sam Without's a longish piece.

Dan Rather wants Uncle Sam to save the news industry. Seems like a damn good idea to me, but he's going to need your help. After all, media matters.

It looks like I need to do some more homework and study some of David Harvey's work such as An Enigma of Capital.  And then I should go back through the Norman Goldman archives because there's lots of jems to be dug up like articles from National Geographic and the Richard Muller conversion of a climate denier.....

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