Thursday, August 16, 2012

Asheville Water

The vultures are trying to strip the flesh from Asheville's infra-structure, the water system in particular. Yep, there's big money to be made by a few at the expense of the many. Fortunately there is a good man working to bring the facts into the light. I hope that we rally together and Save Asheville's Water. Hopefully Tim Moffit won't get the evil gang to void our City charter in an act of vengence or desperation.

Don't Roof Rack Me Bro is a video you ought to watch. ABC, CNN and a bunch of others covered the story, like Cognitive Dissidence....a great site!

It's amazing that the Republicons are supporting Mitt Rob-me and Paul Lying, but hey, they have control of most of the voting machines and they have passed some great voter supression laws. Pennsylvania is an incredible case.  Despite overwhelming evidence that there has never beenone documented case of in person voter fraud and explicit language in the state constitution, the judge upheld the law, crazy.

Ohio is playing dirty too, at least the Republicons....

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