Monday, August 6, 2012

Good News

The good news is that we may soon see peak population of humans on the planet. Ten billion people should about be our maximun population, so Hans claims.  

The solar road project seems pretty darn cool. I hope it is really viable. he DOE doesn't have anything on it that I'm aware of, but it does report that wave and tidal energy production has great potential. Maine is even developing the first commercial grid connected tidal energy project.  And if you like that, you should witness the hope shared by Justin Hall that we may have clean energy freed from the grids. Angela Belcher is growing energy and engineering evolution. Yep, growing energy. She thinks that we can design bacteria or viruses to utilize each element within the periodic table. Amory Lovins gives us a 40-year plan for energy that utilizes present technology and could save us trillions of dollars.

If that seems thrilling then you might want to check out what Juan Enriquez has to say about the life-code that will reshape the future. Yes it's more utopic vision from someone who knows a few things about genetics.

Technology is enabling us to code a better government and citizenship, good citizenship is working to make our society a better place. Perhaps someday the villification of government will cease to exist and our institutions will be restored as a source of pride.

We might even achieve human security if you believe Jody Williams and understand the vision she shares with us.

So much of the promise of a better tomorrow depends on the continuation of good science. Unfortunately there is an abundance of bad science polluting the noosphere. Perhaps we should work a bit reforming media because mass media.....well, media matters.

Tim Jackson delivered a great talk titled An Economic Reality Check that I have to view at another time. I have other things to do so I only was able to view bits and pieces today.

The Planet Wreckers have had a bad few weeks and you can read about that here.

Perhaps at a later time I'll post my own talk about my dream and the journey that created the dream, the dream of integrative, education and civic duty.

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