Uncle Sam needs your help. If
you are a true patriot you will honor your civic responsibility and respond
appropriately to this call to action.
There are poisons in the body
politic and our country is sick. We cannot cure the ills until we correctly
identify the causes of the disease.
Every President, Congress-person and
soldier takes a solemn oath that they,
"will protect and defend the
Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,
that I will bear true faith and allegience to the same..."
There is
presently a large group of persons who are domestic enemies of the state. Some
of them are aware of their sedition, while others are not. There is also a great
deal of confusion among the general populace as to the true nature of that which
threatens and undermines the well being of our country.
sentiment is a poison in the body politic. Those who demonize our federal
government act in opposition to our good fellow countrymen and the spirit of the
constitution because our government was founded to be a government OF, BY and
Norquist appears to be an enemy of the state and is well known for
having said, "I'm not
in favor of abolishing the government. I
just want to shrink
it down to the size where we can
drown it in the
Don't let Grover and his henchmen drown Uncle
The Koch brothers
have been exposed as men who seek to undermine the spirit of democracy by
using undue power and influence for the purpose of their personal
financial gain. They were instrumental in the formation of the modern Tea Party
who are highly misguided.
We true patriots have an opportunity to help
our misguided countrymen to realize the error of their way and to restore the
proper understanding of a profoundly important event in American history.
The Boston Tea Party was really
an anti-corporate protest. The British government gave unfair tax breaks to
the East India Trading Company while heavily taxing independent importers. Why
else would they throw the tea into the harbor? It wasn't just because taxes made
the tea too expensive. The logical thing to do would be to steal it or to just
not buy tea. It was
the Tea Act of
1773 that upset the colonies. The British government gave big tax breaks to
the big corporation. That was the straw that broke the back.
If there is
to be a modern Tea Party with integrity that is true to history and the spirit
of revolution then it should be a populist movement opposed to the collusion of
government and corporate interests that benefit a few at the expense of many.
This could be accomplished by forming The Tea Party 3.3 This third incarnation
of the Tea Party can then overwhelm and subsume the
perverse Tea Party that is part of the
present dysfunction of our political system.
The Occupy Movement is the logical base to
mobilize and call to arms. The new initiative will have renewed focus and
purpose. We will
Move to Amend and occupy
corporate media centers until the true story of The Boston Tea Party is
undoubtedly clarified in the minds of all Americans.
The demonstrations
should be timed in accordance with significant historical dates. April 19, 1775
was when
the shot that was
heard around the world was fired. April 19 should be a good day for massive
protests. The Civil War began on April 12th...perhaps the 12th-the 19th of April
would be a fortuitous period to get the message out.
July 20, 1969 was
the date when the first man walked on the moon. Neil Armstrong said, "We came in
peace for all mankind". This would be another good date for planned protests
when we can come together in solidarity and peace for all mankind to liberate
one another from the inadvertant tyranny of corporate malaise. This date could
be the most significant because the USA ushered in
the new order of the
ages and we are largely responsible for building the Frankenstien-like
monster of multi-national corporatism that is an affliction to our newly global
world. We have the opportunity to rectify our transgression and restore our role
and dignity as the leader of the free world.