Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I don't want to become extinct, but I will. There's not much I can do about that, but I sure as hell would like to help mitigate the sixth mass extinction that seems to be underway.

There is a 6thmassextinctionmovie that you might want to check out. Discover magazine published an article about this and they seem to indicate that there is still hope if we act properly. actionbioscience.org has an excellent and conscice page on the subject. livescience has a good entry too and I suggest that you explore the links listed below the article.

It took some digging because I forgot the title, One Planet One Life, but that is one of my all time favorites on the subject.

Here's a youtube video....I wasn't aware of speciesalliance.org but you know I'll be advocating for them.
here's another sixth mass extinction video found on youtube...

Personally, I love animals and if you do you might want to watch Super Smart Animals from the BBC

here's a good entry into the sixth mass extinction video library....and here's a super short one from scientific american....

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