Monday, March 28, 2011


This morning ABC's Good Morning America covered a piece about the massive protests in England where an estimated 500,000 people gathered in opposition to proposed austerity measures. There was footage of violence and a banner about Anarchists. I found the story disturbing on multiple levels.

I'm hardly surprised that public violence erupted in the hooligan country and that didn't disturb me. Use of anarchist as descriptor disturbed me. Anarchists? Protesting more economic anarchy?

I remember the structural adjustments that the IMF and World Bank imposed on many countries and their reputably tragic consequences. I think of the difficulty of integrating poor nations with tribal cultures into The Free Market Beast.

I reflect on Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and interviews with Perkins. I imagine how unprepared populations in undeveloped countries must be for the arrivals of suits and ties. How difficult it may be for good men and how easy for the corrupt entertains my imagination. Order and chaos are mutually dependent in the weave of creation.
It can be difficult to discern the good from the bad in these most interesting times.

Protesters of union busting in the UK are labeled anarchists. I don't know if they think of themselves as anarchists. I do know that I think of free-market fundamentalists as economic anarchists. Regulations are parameters of law and order.

At least I'm a little more educated about fiat money and Nixon-shock within the Web of Debt. I pray for a future like Star Trek, but it's going to take an apocalypse to see the Death of Money. Let's not forget, JFK was the last guy to try to mess with the Banksters scheme and we saw what that got him. How do you fight against people controlling trillions of dollars? While Ben Bernanke seems pretty skanky, at least Bernie has some balls. I appreciate the irony that Congress's only democratic socialist is The People's greatest present hero, if I understand this correctly.

Let's see if I've got this right....the Fed gives Wall Street a 12+ trillion dollar bailout and then refuses to give a mere 2% of that amount to state and municipal which would solve all of the budget crises that are used for an excuse to implement austerity programs that undermine democrats?

Confucius said in Analects, "The great person understands Yi, morality, duty to one's neighbor, altruism, and politeness. The small man understands Li, profit and personal advantage".

I suspect that Confucius would appreciate P2P and the Wiki sites that are oh so Yi.

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