Thursday, March 10, 2011

Traitors to The People

The GOP has shown what it stands for, GREEDY OBSCENE POLITICIANS. They are traitors to The People.

G is for; greedy, ghouls, gargoyles,

O is for; obscene, obsolete, obstinate, Occident, offensive, old, obsessive, oblivious

P is for; Pig, plunderers, philistines, phyria, pejoratives,

GOP = Greedy Obsolete Plunderers or Ghoulish Obstinate Plunderers

I don't really have the words to adequately condemn the republicans, the greedy obstinate pigs. We the people who are not brainwashed by corporate infotainment and propaganda must do everything we are able to brand the oligarchs and their mindless minions for what they are, traitors to We The People.

The GOP are traitors and we must save the mindless minions who foolishly vote for them against their own interests. That's going to be the real hard work. The big money has the big voice. They own big corporate media that continually work to pollute the minds of the people.

We can print bumper stickers, but we can't force idiots to read the likes of Robert Reich or Michael Moore.

Republicans like child labor. Republicans are pro-cruelty to animals.

The Koch brothers seem like domestic enemies. Check out what the boys have to say on Thom Hartmann show, The Big Picture.
Climate denial may be the most insipid crime in history. Koch brothers exposed sounds like an interesting site.

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