Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Did you know?

Check out Sony's take on the crazy acceleration of these times.

Meanwhile there's a dramatic redistribution of wealth occurring in the US. Republicans are stealing from the poor so they can give to the rich.

I didn't realize that over half the deaths of children came from suicide. I did know that there are a bunch of Republicans fighting against anti-bullying legislation.

I heard that the US Chamber of Commerce had right wing ties, but I could have known that they are this bad.

I did know that the Koch brothers seem to be dicks and Walker appears to their bitch.

It's nice to get new figures like this, "Columnist Sebastian Mallaby[dead link] of the Washington Post reacted sharply to Perkins' book[6]: "This man is a frothing conspiracy theorist, a vainglorious peddler of nonsense, and yet his book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, is a runaway bestseller." Mallaby, who spent 13 years writing for the London Economist and wrote a critically well-received biography of World Bank chief James Wolfensohn,[7] holds that Perkins' conception of international finance is "largely a dream" and that his "basic contentions are flat wrong."[6] For instance he points out that Indonesia reduced its infant mortality and illiteracy rates by two-thirds after economists persuaded its leaders to borrow money in 1970. He also disputes Perkins' claim that 51 of the top 100 world economies belong to companies. A value-added comparison done by the UN, he says, shows the number to be 29. (The 51 of 100 data comes from an Institute for Policy Studies Dec, 2000 Report on the Top 200 corporations; using 2010 data from The CIA World Factbookand The Fortune 500 list the current ratio is 114 corporations in the top 200 global economies.)

Humm...114 of 200

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