Tuesday, June 14, 2011

billions stolen

The Pentagon and the Iraqi government are closing the books and making the figure official; $6.6 billion remains unaccounted. How could we just loose three planes worth of cash? Why isn't this story covered by corporate media? Oh, wait, maybe the Los Angeles Times is corporate, but they published this whopper of a story.

The Cree Indians supposedly stated that only when we (white people) run out of food will we learn that we cannot eat money. That day seems to be getting closer all the time. Can we drink the money when we destroy our fresh water sources? Too many Pennsylvanians seem to be hoping that they can, because they're just asking for Gasland. How did Americans get so stupid?

Corporate media is focusing lots of time covering the Republican race for the White House with the Prophets of Poison. Maybe all the money spent by the right has something to do with American ignorance. Tell a lie often enough and it will seem like the truth.

At least The Immoral Minority is trying to tell the truth.

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