Tuesday, June 14, 2011

water, weiners, and waste

I was nine years old when the Clean Water Act was signed into law. Three years earlier I watched the Cuyahoga River burn. Witnessing a major river burn was a big wake-up call for many Americans. Unfortunately our regulatory agencies are now threatened, underfunded, obsolete, inadequate and appear to the victims of regulatory capture. There is a growing body of works that examines the fate of the worlds' water supplies and the ripple effects of our actions.

Meanwhile the mainstream corporate media focuses great attention on Weiner's transgressions and hypocritically ignores the Vitter problem, except for Rachel. The heat should be on Justice Clarence Thomas, but the people suffer more droughts in the making while the money continues to erode just democratic functions.

The weather gets weirder, the institutions become more corrupt and the truth becomes more difficult to discern through the veils of interlocking directorates. They rule and we all loose. For those reasons and more, I am an integrative activist.

Cooperation and regulation helped to solve one severe global problem. We can do more. Here's someone who does a lot.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention revolving doors ( here's a how-to to use the previous link) and the present example of Chris Christie and Edison Schools collaboration to take $800,000,000 from the public and handing to the cronny capitalists. You can read about that here.

That story is chump change when compared to the war profiteering engineered by Dick Cheney, Haliburton, Blackwater and other evil-doers (see comments).

May God help us all to be righteous and free from religion.

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