Monday, June 20, 2011

Five things

Why is it that the best bills in congress never get any coverage? The Nation published it's pick of The Five Smartest Congressional Bills You've Never Heard Of. Too bad those bills don't stand a chance to make it through the gauntlet of special interest henchmen. We can see who they are when we look at who voted for what.

Our schools are deteriorating as funding for education is being slashed and the rich are getting richer. America'a infotainment industry keeps us ignorant and distracted, but there are those who work to bring integrity to reporting and those who attempt to illustrate ugly truths.

Here are five lessons about reducing deficits, but I wouldn't trust the author who fails to cite an alleged study.

Corporate sponsored vs corporate owned media...hmm, an important distinction? Maybe, but one thing is for sure...that the big corporate infotainers are not reporting on the real stories like flood waters threatening some of our nuclear power plants. Go ahead and google it yourself, you'll see. Where do the Kochs fit into all of this?

How about Goldman Sachs and the crisis of Greece? The EU Chronicle is covering the story. It's obscene.

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