Friday, March 25, 2011

Winning the wars

We must fight to win our wars. We are a nation at war, we are a nation of war.
We have more wars going on than you can shake a stick at; Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Drugs, Crime, Terrorism, Class, Culture, etc.

We can win them all, but we must fight. There is one front where we can marshal our forces and tip the balance to create a domino effect that will save the very soul of our democracy and lead to victory in all these wars. That front is the present political battle that threatens the very fabric of the American Dream.

There is systematic class warfare in this country where a well informed, determined and organized progressive base is the only hope against a corrupt and oppressive political machine that aims to strengthen a victorious kleptocracy that rules our country.

If you are reading this I don't need to inform you about what is really going on. We will not win this war with compromise. The truth will not be found between lies and half-truths.

The sad truth is that the next election cycle may be the final battle. We know that the Republicans, on the whole with few exceptions, are the enemies of The People. We know that a large number of Democrats have been corrupted and that the Democratic Party must be reformed to maintain any validity as a party for the people. True Progressives are our last good hope.

It's time to take off the gloves and fight dirty. It's time to take some pages from the conservative handbook as unsavory as that may sound to you. It's time to get off the high horse and into the scrum. Let us shame the opposition into submission. Fight the Radical Regressive Right. Brand the Enemies of The People and expose them for what they really are, Traitors.

This is a holy war, a war for the soul of a country. One cannot serve two masters. Either stand with The People or with the moneyed interests. The GOP worships the golden calf disguised as the Wall Street Bull and we must bring the sinners back into the righteous fold.

Our actions cannot be too bold nor our words too strong. This is the final battle and the last chance to defeat The Beast before it brings Armageddon. Make no mistake about it, the United Citizens ruling makes our last stand difficult, but the Republican executives and legislators have tipped their hand and shown their true colors as servants of tyrants.

We must act quickly and brand them for what they are; Traitors to The People, GOP=greedy obscene plunderers, the Regressive Right, The Flock of Mammon.

If we win this battle, the rest will be easy.

1 comment:

Greenwalker said...

Wow! I think this article is a reflection of your talent for truing. Amazingly inspiring Marshall!