Tuesday, November 3, 2009

corporate cover-ups

ABC news ran a short story this morning about Senator John Rockefeller's investigation into the percentages of healthcare insurance premiums that go to paying medical costs. You can read about that yourself. What concerns me more is the story behind the story which is much larger and far more important.

The greater story is how corporations are able to shield themselves from federal oversight and inquiry. The insurance companies were able to refuse to supply the senator with documents citing that it is proprietary information. Corporations are issued charters by the states in which they conduct business. The state is to outline the conditions by which a company must comply for the privilege of doing business.

The story is simply another example of how we live in a corporatocracy with a veneer of democracy and how justice has taken a back seat to the manipulations of monied law.

The corporate personhood debate is much like the climate change debate. It's only a debate because obscenely rich special interests fund mis- and dis- information campaigns.

See Steven Colbert's take on the matter, he's funny.

Help to reclaim our democracy and end the doctrine of corporate personhood. Here's where you can take a little action.

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