Thursday, November 12, 2009

divorced from truth

There was a story on Good Morning America or perhaps it was the Today show about a couple who became divorced so they could afford health care for their daughter. As a single mother the mother qualified for subsidies and was able to provide health services for the daughter. One of the hosts commented that she hoped that congressional representatives saw the story. So it seems that the present healthcare system is anti-family.

I doubt that the story would affect many of our legislators, much if any. Those who are opposed to real and meaningful reforms (Republicans and Blue-dog Democrats) are working for the special interests that fund and bribe them, not The People.

Bribery may seem slanderous or over-the-top, but that's just my old-fashioned conservative side slipping out. For the first 150 years since our country was founded, it was strictly prohibited for any business to contribute to any political campaign and the practice of lobbying was also illegal. It wasn't until 1886 that corporations began to usurp the rights written into the Bill of Rights, rights designed for people, not institutions. In 1935 big business made more headway and in the 1950's, things really began to unravel.

So now perhaps you see, money from business to politics was considered bribery and was illegal for half of our country's history. It has been said, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Who has any doubt that money is powerful?

It makes me wonder and I hope you too, just whose land is this?

The Republicans and Blue-dogs aren't fooling me. I'm not falling for the fear-mongering cries of socialism and government take-overs. I know they don't give a damn about about you, me, family or the lives of the unborn. All they care about is political gamesmanship and all of the money. Yeah it's hard to know what's true, but there are those who watch with prudent discrimination and follow the money.

I cant help it, I'm just an old-fashioned, conservative patriot.

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