Monday, November 30, 2009

Hot tips, points and runaways

What's the point in writing this blog? What was the point of the little local protest today?

The point is that we fear for the future and we have to live with our own consciences. It might not be our future, we might be dead by the time the really nasty shit hits the fan, but we do have to live daily with our conscience.

The more we learn about global warming, the scarier it looks, the more uneasy we feel. There appear to be tipping points that may precipitate run-away effects and points of no return. Here you can find the top ten that may cause extinctions. Here's where you can find a shorter list and links to pretty pictures that point to a disturbing future. And here is where you can find some more information along with video.

The very base of the ocean food chain, phytoplankton, is decreasing at a steady rate. If you think about it, it's scary. Read about it here.

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