Friday, November 20, 2009

who owns the news

Mass media is not what our Founding Fathers hoped for, but might be the sort of thing that they feared. Take a look here and get a glimpse of who owns what. Some people want to take it back. If you'd like to know more about your own back yard, try this.

Why should you care? Because good journalism and a well informed public could prevent unjust wars based on lies, or may have prevented the Wall Street Gang from blackmailing the taxpayers for a trillion dollars. We were warned, but nobody listened.

So far, you've had a glimpse of the companies, but what about the people? What about the interlocking directorate and why is it important? Because they rule. The CFR is a pretty scary organization if you ask me or some other people.

It's a damn kleptocracy, but we're doing pretty good if you look at the bigger picture. We can do better though.

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