Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pay or Die

I sure wish I had some decent health care. I don't earn enough to buy into our present pay or die system.
Here's an interesting link about health care systems from around the world. It's not too hard to correlate the data with world rankings. I'd make it easier, but I am a bit of a cybertard.

Sometimes I wonder...are we too stupid or arrogant to learn from the rest of the world? But I know it's not that simple.

The Nobel Prize winner says, Reform or Else.
I couldn't agree more, I'm uninsured and getting older every moment.

There are supposedly 45,000 people that die each year from health problems because they are uninsured or under insured or because they have insurance plans or HMOs that just plain suck. Some people are getting divorced because they can get their children covered as single parents when they cannot as a married couple. It's crazy.

Some indifferent jerks argue that no one in this country is denied health care because emergency rooms take everybody. As if there's no difference between preventive care and trauma.

If we had universal health care like all the other developed nations do, our business sector would no longer carry the burden of the costs of health care. Wouldn't it be nice to get the economy back on track? One of the big reasons that the US auto manufactures are failing to compete in the global marketplace is that they pay for the health care of the laborers unlike all of the competing countries (many of which also subsidize the manufactures).

Any one who owns a business, especially those with employees, should be an advocate for universal health care. Unfortunately, what should be is quite different from what is and those with the most money have the loudest voices while the courts condone corporate lies. Okay, so that's wild hyperbole, but I remember the days when there were truth in advertising laws.

Meanwhile, CEOs like Steven Hensley of United Healthcare are being "compensated" 700 million dollars for their services. It's obscene and immoral. How many need to die so a few can be filthy rich?

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