Saturday, November 21, 2009


The distribution of wealth has always been a contentious issue, not only in this country, but throughout history. Today's super-rich are far richer than those of the past. Note the graphs in wikipedia. The top 5% aren't included because it doesn't fit. The L-Curve puts it a little better perspective.

It's obscene. It's heresy in the spirit of religions and an affront to secular ethics and morality, but it was all Perfectly Legal. You can view the man here and here. We are living in the golden age of greed. I think that non-profit is a higher ethic than profit motive. Perhaps someday we will evolve beyond capitalism and live the Star Trek dream, but I doubt any of us will be around to see that day, unless 2012 really does bring an end of the world as we know it and destroys this new world order to replace it with economic democracy. It's up to us to make it so.

The truth is that inequality creates a host of problems; poorer physical and mental health, poorer education, more drug abuse, more imprisonment, less social mobility (though that may seem counter-intuitive), etc. Inequality is increasing, here in the USA and around the globe. The reason that we are witnessing the death of the middle class is pretty simple, tax structures. After the Great Depression, the tax rates on our nations richest was around 90%, but they still got filthy rich. Today their tax burden is less than one-third of that.

People in this country freak-out about taxes. That's because the rich can afford such great PR and they own the mass media. It's a crying shame that would make the Founding Fathers weep in their graves.

Anyways, you might want to check-out this mother-drucker.

One way to reverse this bad trend is to reclaim democracy. I doubt we need a course in ultimate civics, exercising the basics should be good enough. Another thing you can do is educate each other, use this great technology while we can. Be your brothers keeper.

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