Tuesday, July 5, 2011

$2 trillion

What can $2 trillion buy? A plan to terraform the Sahara? A plan to save the world?

Considering that there are $1,000 trillion worth of junk derivatives floating around the world financial markets, we should be able to find $500-600 billion a year to transform the world energy markets. Big Oil isn't going to like that plan. They could invest in a blue carbon sink fund, but really, is greed the only viable incentive to do anything? One thing for sure is that I don't trust this organization. They run tons of ads on Sunday mornings during the talking heads, so they must be a front group for big polluters.

The International Trade Union Confederation is calling for the Banksters to pay. At least there's somebody who's outraged.

Yeah, that figure was about right. Derivatives dwarf the world's GDP. If it wasn't so tragic, it might be funny where one has to go to find this story. Do you wonder why such a big story gets so little corporate press?

I don't know what this is, but I might want to go back and check things.

I sure hope the the President is playing chess and won't screw the seniors with SS cuts and tying benefits to CPI. There are enough people with voters remorse these days. One can only hope that elections aren't rigged by ALEC and Diebold.

We need more like Matt Taibbi...go to Tabblog to see for yourself.

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