Monday, July 25, 2011

Have you heard or heard of Buddy Roemer who's running for president? I like him, but he'd get his ass kicked harder and get assassinated quicker than our current President.

Speaking about's the day after the crazy Norwegian killed so many and published his right-wing manifesto. God please, save us from your followers. Some people still don't understand why atheists don't like religion. Okay, maybe Frank Schaeffer understands. It is also worth noting that the crazy killer was a climate denier like all of these politicians that won't understand science.

Rumor has it that Harry Reid introduced a budget with $2 trillion in cuts that doesn't touch entitlements and doesn't increase any revenues. You can read about it here or here. The markets are behaving normally which mean they aren't really worried about default.

Speaking of markets, it looks like the free-trade fools will pass three more agreements that could ship more jobs from the US to other countries. It's good for Wall St and bad for Main St once again. Is that what our soldiers fought for? Twenty-eight percent of new vets are unemployed.

I'm now reminded of Team B , The Power of Nightmares and how presidents have run up the deficit.

FICA(41%), Income(40%), and Corporate(19%) taxes is how the federal government gets most of its revenue.

Ha,'s not the heat, it's the stupidity...too funny, or at least it would be if it wasn't for all the death and destruction that may follow. Environment 360 doesn't offer any hope while

looks like to progressives put out the biggest and best deal. We don't get to hear about that but we can read about it in Rolling Stone or ....

how about some thoughts from Al Gore about reason and doubt

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