Saturday, July 23, 2011

This looks pretty cool, newsprism. They need another color or code or...Sixty Minutes is liberal, huh? And oh no, no way I'm gunna believe all those Sunday morning talking head shows are liberal.

Some people have no shame and like to shift the blame. I wonder if those who produce such propaganda believe what they are promoting.

We live in an age where money is magically created so why do the evil doers have to create so much suffering for so many? Oh wait, because they're evil. I forgot. You really should watch Democracy Now and hear the $13 trillion truth which is priceless.

It seems like we need some job creating tax hikes. Heck, if we took all the money from the billionaires, we could pay-off all student loans and give the rich guys the leftover money which would still be more than $900 million for each one of them.

The super-rich and super-greedy are the only ones powerful enough to wage an international financial war precipitating suffering. hardship and death in Greece, Spain and England.

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