Wednesday, July 27, 2011

people for sale

People are people and should not be perceived as commodities. Our prison system is a shame and lots of people are trying to do something about the situation before more mostly innocent people are killed.

One of the questions is how do we reach those hard to reach people that may never see ALEC exposed? They might need exposure to Brooke Gladstone, but...every one should heed Krugman, he won the big prize ya know. We shouldn't forget about Robert either.

Economics Junkie has a strange graph that I'm trying to understand. Oh, libertarian, I see...

The American Society of Civil Engineers claim that we could save $3 trillion/ year by fixing our damn roads that keep breaking our vehicles.

Somewhere in here or perhaps here is a "man in the middle" con which offers some good evidence that GW stole the presidency a second time from Ohio with a backup system in Tennessee.

There's only one guy handling domestic terrorism in the whole dept. of homeland security. I wonder if he'll go after the perpetrator that threw a malatov cocktail in the abortion clinic, or was that Planned Parenthood? One guy!

Oh... there's a good reminder to link charity navigator. Lots of good stuff there.

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